Our March 23rd Club Meeting with The Good Fight will be Virtual Only

*** Change in Plans *** The Good Fight Community Center is unable to host us in person due to it being a busy night with kids and volunteers and potential space issues, so our meeting will be virtual only.
The Good Fight’s charitable mission is to provide at-risk and disadvantaged youth with hope, encouragement, and a safe environment to develop personal goals, discipline, and values free from juvenile delinquency, substance abuse, truancy, crime gang activities, and other difficult challenges. This past year, RAH contributed $10,000 to help them purchase a new van to transport their kids. Come hear more about this organization and what they are doing to help vulnerable youth in our community!
Meeting ID: 346 032 8360
Password: 6250
One tap mobile
+13126266799,,3460328360#,,,,0#,,6250# US (Chicago)

Dial by your location
+1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
Program starts at 6pm but you are welcome to join for virtual Happy Hour anytime from 5:30pm on!