Join Us For Our Annual Mini Masters 2022 Mini-Golf Fundraiser!
Mini Masters is on Thursday, Sept 22nd. This is our 10th annual event that raises money to help us bring a youth exchange student to La Crosse for a year!
Gather your team and support a great cause for our club! We will have our good friends Tom Conrad playing some tunes, the wonderful MC Laura, and a food truck and beverages to enjoy!
Don't forget to sign up your team of 4 by TODAY Sept 9th! This is a great opportunity to invite friends or individuals who may be interested in RAH to join your team. Give them a glimpse of the fun we have in Rotary After Hours.
We still are in need of hole sponsors and donations for our raffle, so please reach out to those organizations and businesses you may know!
We appreciate all the support and look forward to a fun night! If you have questions please see Stef Kline or Bill Pritchard.