"If You Want True Joy, You're Only Going to Find it by Giving."

This Spring, RAH sharks casted their shark bucks at After Hours sHARk Tank 2022. The results were close but the winner was The Sleep in Heavenly Peace® bed project, pitched by Stef Kline. All children deserve a safe, comfortable place to lay their heads each night, but many boys and girls go without a bed to sleep on. They end up sleeping on couches, blankets, and even floors, affecting their happiness and health.
A few months later on a Saturday morning in September, "A buzz of activity filled the former K-Mart building as volunteers helped build kids beds for the local chapter of Sleep In Heavenly Peace. Members of the Rotary After Hours as well as the Mormon Coulee Lions Club took to saws and sanders. The assembly line-like precision of all our volunteers kept a steady pace, filling the former store space with noise and sawdust.
"The goal is to build 90 beds for kids in the local community," said Stefanie Klein, Rotary After Hours. "Everyone just kinda got their role, their groove and we're just building the beds pretty quickly."
"I'll tell you what, everybody feels like they're doing something good," said Dave Hegenbarth, working alongside is adult son Spencer. "Everyone's motivated and productive, it's really awesome what we're seeing going on today." - From WXOW News Story
Rotary After Hours used $5,000 of our hard raised funds from our Ugly Sweater 5k fundraiser, to purchase and build 20 beds for local children in need. District 6250 Foundation provided a matching grant allowing us to gift another 20 beds.
What an awesome event! Thank you to Stefanie Kline for organizing this. "It was a lot of work, but has such an impact on kids. One of the most fulfilling volunteer experiences I have ever done!" says RAHtarian Ryan Born.

Thanks to everyone who came to help cut wood, sand, drill holes, pound nails and stain boards! Endless amounts of love were poured into the beds we made. No kid sleeps on the floor in our town!
Watch the full news story at WXOW and check out photos from the event!